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Job Information

Stand-by Personnel, Inc. Structural Welder - 116082 in Tulsa, Oklahoma

This job was posted by : For more information, please see:

Structural Welder {#spanstylecolorblackstructuralwelderspanspanstylecolor666666span}
Pay:\$19-22/hr. {#spanstylecolorblackpayspanspanstylefontsize90ptcolorblackspanspanstylecolorblackd1922hrspan}
Hours:Monday-Friday 6AM-4:30PM {#spanstylecolorblackhoursspanspanstylecolorblackmondayfriday6am430pmspan}
Job Type:Temp-Hire {#spanstylecolorblackjobtypespanspanstylecolorblacktemphirespan}
Location:Tulsa, Oklahoma {#spanstylecolorblacklocationspanspanstylecolorblacktulsaspanspanstylecolorblack__oklahomaspan}
Benefits:Once Hired on you this company offers Medical, dental, 401K, Vision company pays 72% of cost, Basic Life, at \$50,000 company pays 100%, and more! {#spanstylecolorblackbenefitsspanspanstylecolorblackspanspanstylecolorblackoncehiredonyouthiscompanyoffersmedicaldental401kvisioncompanypays72ofcostbasiclifeatd50000companypays100andmorespanspanstylecolorblackspan}
Job Description: {#spanstylecolorblackjobdescriptionspan}
Welding with Flux Core. Will weld various components of pipes or equipment. You must understand proper safety techniques for using your welding equipment and inspect your finished products. {#spanstylecolorblackweldingwithfluxcorewillweldvariouscomponentsofpipesorequipmentyoumustunderstandpropersafetytechniquesforusingyourweldingequipmentandinspectyourfinishedproductsspan}
Qualifications for this position include: {#spanstylecolorblackqualificationsforthispositionincludespan}
Ability to read detailed blueprints preferred. Overhead crane and rigging experience. Very good fabrication skills needed to fabricate a variety of structural. Ability to flux core weld in all positions. Must be able to lift and/or move up to 50 pounds. {#spanstylecolorblackabilitytoreaddetailedblueprintspreferredoverheadcraneandriggingexperienceverygoodfabricationskillsneededtofabricateavarietyofstructuralabilitytofluxcoreweldinallpositionsmustbeabletoliftandormoveupto50poundsspan}
Job Order #116082 {#spanstylecolorblackjoborder116082span}

Stand-By Personnel Welding Division

We take walk-in applications from 7:00am to 3:30pm, Monday-Friday.

Office Location: 1531 East 2nd Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120, near the corner of Hwy 244 East and Utica.

You can apply online {#youcanapplyonlineatspanstylefontsize120ptcolorwindowtextwwwstandbypersonnelcomspanhttpwwwstandbypersonnelcomspanstylefontsize120ptspan}

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Stand-By Personnel offers very competitive referral bonuses -- \$125 for a skilled worker, and \$200 for a welder. We also offer a \$50.00 advance after your first day of work. {#standbypersonneloffersverycompetitivereferralbonusesd125foraskilledworkerandd200forawelderwealsoofferad5000advanceafteryourfirstdayofwork}

Stand-By Personnels Welding Division is a proven leader when it comes finding welders jobs. Stand-By staffs welders for many of the top companies in Oklahoma. Stand-By is the only staffing company that offers weld testing and has an onsite State Certified Weld Testing Facility.
