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Job Information

Osage County ILC School Counselor in Hominy, Oklahoma

This job was posted by : For more information, please see:

Initial __________ Date __________


SY 2022 - 2023

Position Name

Mental Health Professional, School Counselor

Nature of Position

School counselors are trained mental health providers that support students growth in academics, social

emotional learning, and college career planning. This position will operate as an advocate for and support

of equitable mental health services and facilitate the development, implementation, and communication of

a shared vision of mental health that reflects excellence and equity for all students and their families

enrolled in the schools implementing the grant program. Additionally, this person will actively engage

others in professional growth opportunities that support the grant program.


? Must possess or actively be seeking an Oklahoma teaching certificate for School Counselor. Must

be able to work in a team environment that incorporates multiple services and supports for


? Experience working in rural school districts is preferred.

? Ability to travel from site to site and must have a valid driver\'s license.

? Possess strong collaboration skills and maintain positive relationships with administrators,

facilitators, teachers, and project level leadership teams.

? Ability to identify evidence-based programs and quality research, as well as lead and conduct

research in schools as related to grant-requirements.


This position is directly responsible to Project Director and Executive Director; however, will also

collaborate heavily with the School Psychologists and other mental health team members.

Duties and Responsibilities

? Interpret and use data for decision-making

? Deliver evidence-based SEL prevention services at tier 1.

? Collaborate/Implement appropriate interventions at all three tiers.

? Lead small group counseling (T2) and/or behavior interventions

? Provide individual counseling (T3)

? Maintain appropriate documentation (e.g., complete SEL Lesson Completion Record)

? Provide the Evaluator supportive documentation of project activities.

? Participate in and lead regularly scheduled project staff meetings.

? Attend on-site, project-related staff development workshops, as required.

? Provide supervision of and direct consultations support to member district schools.

? Perform any related tasks designated by the Project Director.

? Provide and foster a healthy school climate

? Build trusting relationships with students staff, parents, and community members

Initial __________ Date __________

? Model appropriate social interactions and professionalism

? Consistently model sound character and work habits

? Maintain confidentiality and model at all times

? Support/meet the mental health and academic needs of the students and staff

? Maintain career resources, college and scholarship information.

? Implement college and career readiness counseling.

? Uphold counseling ethics and reporting responsibilities related to abuse and neglect

? Maintain flexibility to mitigate crises

? Use appropriate assessments for academic and behavior planning.

? Make appropriate referrals for outside services.

? Participate in pertinent professional development activities and meetings

? Uphold the practices and policies of OCIC and your school site

? Faithfully exhibit empathy
