Job Information
GE Vernova Welding and Brazing Engineer (m/f) in Bucharest, Romania
Job Description Summary
Who We Are
At GE Vernova we are used to change and have been continuously adapting to respond to the many factors shaping our industry. Change is how we keep pace with the world around us and ensure our long-term sustainability. To achieve this requires us adopting a strong services mindset that becomes the very DNA of Steam Power. As a result, we have become more of a services organization.
We believe our success in large part will depend on us being as diverse of a team as our customers and regardless of our role, every one of us can contribute to making Steam Power the service provider of choice by customers around the globe.
Coach, drive and lead lean behaviors, principles, and tools across a operational or functional area. Drive cultural transformation resulting in step-change in operational business metrics.
Engineering associated with the manufacturing process. Impacts quality of own work and the work of others on the team.
Job Description
Roles and Responsibilities
- Este responsabil pentru asistența tehnică și supravegherea operațională atât a proceselor speciale sudura si brazare pentru bare statorice cat si pentru bobine rotorice. Planifică și implementează proceduri de sudare și brazare conform documentației GE.∙ Oferă suport tehnic pentru a determina finalizarea lucrărilor în cadrul proceselor speciale de Sudare și Brazare astfel:- Analizeaza documentatia aferenta proceselor speciale de sudare si/sau brazare primita de la client/echipa de ingineri;- Intocmeste documentele de sudura si lipire pentru procesele desfasurate in companie;- Definește și proiectează inductoarele pentru operațiunile de lipire;- Lansează în producție și urmărește procesul de calificare a operațiunilor de sudare și lipire;- Definește și proiectează împreună cu Inginerul Proiectant SDV/ Inginerul de Metode SDV urile respective necesare pentru operațiunile de brazare și/sau sudare- Raspunde de operatiile de brazare si/sau sudare efectuate in procesul de productie.- Rezolvă neconformitățile legate de procesele speciale de brazare și/sau sudare.- Analizează rezultatele de laborator nedistructive (US, GAMA, etc..)∙ Analizează ofertele și documentația tehnică din punct de vedere al sudării și lipirii printr-o-analiză a fezabilității executării lucrărilor solicitate în cadrul companiei-analiza a documentatiei tehnice aferente licitatiei si a cererii de clarificari tehnice sau documentatii suplimentare necesare intocmirii ofertei tehnice
Required Characteristics
Absolvent studii superioare de profil cu experienta de minim 2 ani;
Poseda abilitati de comunicare, capacitate de analiza a informatiilor, personalitate proactiva;
Demonstreaza abilitati de autodirectionare in cadrul responsabilitatilor definite
Bun coechipier;
Cunoaste un editor de text pe calculator (MS Word);
Opereaza cu o baza de date (Excel, Access);
Operare AutoCad sau orice alt program de desenare pe calculator (CAD 2D/3D)
Spirit ordonat,spirit de observare si analiza, atentie concentrata si distributiva, buna memorie vizuala si auditiva, capaciatate de a stabili prioritati, capacitate de comunicare si ascultare, aptitudinea de a lucra cu documente(verificare rapida cifre si cuvinte);
Corectitudine, flexibilitate, initiativa, capacitate de organizare, capacitate de lucru cu termene limita, dinamism, ambitie.
Bune abilitati de gestionare a timpului si de valorificare a resurselor, capabilitatea de a coordona si gestiona mai multe activitati.
Spirit de ordine si disciplina;
Capacitate de organizare si decizie;
Competente in dezvoltarea echipei si capapcitate de delegare;
Capacitate de prevedere a situatiilor deosebite
Echilibru psihic si emotional;
Viteza de reactie si capacitate de a lua decizii;
Corectitudine, obiectivitate, energie si perseverenta in fata dificultatilor
Flexibilitate; Rezistenta la efort si stres.
The Special Processes Engineer_Welding & Brazing reports to the Cell Leader and is responsible for technical support and operational supervision of both Rotor Coils and Stator Bars Cells special processes.
Core Responsibilities
• The SPE plans and implements Welding and Brazing procedures based on GE documentation.
• Provides technical support to drive closure of jobs within special processes Welding and Brazing
Analyses the documentation related to special welding and / or brazing processes received from customer / engineering team
Prepare welding and brazing documents for the processes developed in SC
Defines and designs the inductors for brazing operations
Launches in manufacturing and tracks the process of qualifying welding and brazing operations
Defines and designs with the Tools Design Engineer / Methods Engineer the respective tools needed for brazing and / or welding operations
Is responsible to the brazing and / or welding operations performed in the series process.
Solves non-conformities related to special brazing and / or welding processes.
Analyses the non-destructive laboratory results (US, GAMA, etc ..)
Analyses the bid and technical documentation related to the Service Centre applications from the welding and brazing point of view:
an analysis of the feasibility of the execution of the requested works within the company
an analysis of the technical documentation related to the call for tenders and the request for technical clarifications or additional documentation needed to draw up the technical offer
• Prepares technical offers:
draws up the technical specifications (ACo) for the materials, parts and services that are deemed necessary for the execution of the product requested in the bid
draws up the "price elements" of the offer
draws up - in English, French or Romanian of the "Technical Specification" related to the economic offer
analyses and provides a technical endorsement of offers received from subcontractors
draws up quality technical plans for bidding
• Technical analysis of orders (without being an exhaustive list)
performs the order documentation analysis checking the existence of all drawings and parts lists, material specifications and working procedures
performs a comparative analysis of the documentation received referring to the order and the bidding, signalling any differences that may lead to additional works compared to those initially estimated at the bid
performs a comparative analysis of the detail drawings versus the drawings of the subassemblies and the notify the client of the discrepancies
evaluates the possibilities of execution of parts and subassemblies within Service Centre / in collaboration with the direct subcontractors for completing or clarifying the issues encountered in the documentation analysis
Performs quantitative analysis:
verification of the quantities of works or parts of the order compared to the ones in the offer or the initial offer
verification of the supply limit if the customer provides basic materials and / or tools
checks the execution conditions and the quality requirements
• Develops Manufacturing Operating Plans (MOPs) in relation to the requirements of the QA system describing the sequence of technological operations required to execute the product (benchmark or assembly) by referring to the specific work procedures and / or self-check files, the devices and / or tools for the operation, QC control points.
• Elaboration of material nomenclatures
Draws up the momentum of materials and services in the SAP system
Encodes the materials, landmarks and services launched in the unique SAP code system
Establishes the quality category for the materials and services launched within the nomenclatures
• Identify, drive, mentor, and implement projects that improve overall production safety, quality, cycle and cost for assigned special processes Welding and Brazing;
• Conduct operator training on new/updated Welding and Brazing processes as needed
• Support root cause investigations and the implementation of CAPA effectiveness.
• Maintain the materials distributed to the job as per the Plan
• Own maintenance in his product Line or process and maintain the serviceability of Tools, Fixtures and instruments
• Overall responsibility for Internal Audit execution, for conformance to quality plans, systems, and requirements as per the Internal Audit Plan
• Analyses problems, in Welding and Brazing processes inspections, internal corrective actions, as necessary, to improve overall quality systems and scrap control
Additional Responsibilities
• Support customer meetings when required
• Ensure compliant vouchering of hours for their team
• Represent Cell on Component Team Call to leverage network best practices
• Drive Product/Welding and Brazing Processes Qualifications for the Cell/Group by working with RTCoE
• Work with PQE & CI team to drive sustainable changes in Welding and Brazing processes
• Track and communicate individual operators’ performance to the operations leader
Degree in Welding engineering;
International Welding engineer accreditation;
5+ years manufacturing experience
Romanian work permit;
Fluency in Romanian language
GE VERNOVA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, protected veteran status or other characteristics protected by law.
Additional Information
Relocation Assistance Provided: No