Student Veterans of America Jobs

Welcome to SVA’s jobs portal, your one-stop shop for finding the most up to date source of employment opportunities. We have partnered with the National Labor Exchange to provide you this information. You may be looking for part-time employment to supplement your income while you are in school. You might be looking for an internship to add experience to your resume. And you may be completing your training ready to start a new career. This site has all of those types of jobs.

Here are a few things you should know:
  • This site is mobile friendly. You do not need a log-in or password to access information.
  • Jobs on this site are original and unduplicated and come from three sources: the Federal government, state workforce agency job banks, and corporate career websites. All jobs are vetted to ensure there are no scams, training schemes, or phishing.
  • The site is refreshed daily to remove out-of-date content.
  • The newest jobs are listed first, so use the search features to match your interests. You can look for jobs in a specific geographical location, by title or keyword, or you can use the military crosswalk. You may want to do something different from your military career, but you undoubtedly have skills from that occupation that match to a civilian job.

Job Information

Abbott Senior Medical Representative in Beijing, China

  • 日常拜访:每周应该保证4.5天的正常拜访时间。每天的面对面有效拜访人数不应该少于12人。应该保证对A,B级客户的正确覆盖率和拜访频率。

  • VIP拜访:每月至少一次对固定区域内重要医院的主管院长、药剂科主任、药事委员会成员、重要学科带头人进行拜访,以获得最大的支持。

  • 产品介绍会:每周至少召开一次产品介绍会,以扩大医生对产品的进一步了解。

  • 绩效发展:每月初应根据公司下达指标对自己负责的固定区域进行规划,并且每周跟踪进度,以完成自己的目标。

  • 区域管理:对自己负责的固定区域内医院进行合理规划,定期更新区域内客户科室信息。以精耕细作原则,拓展区域生意。

  • 财务管理:每月初根据地区经理给予的预算,根据市场情况提出市场活动的费用预申请,在地区经理批准后进行支出,费用发生3周内及时递交DM。

  • 产品管理:根据公司市场部各产品经理的策略,根据自己的固定区域具体情况,每月初制定产品发育计划以及重点产品发育计划,尤其是新产品的发育。

  • 产品知识:每周周例会进行产品知识讲解,并定期进行考试,考试成绩将作为绩效评估的依据。

  • 业务技巧:在实地有效地使用所学的业务技巧,提高有效拜访效率。

  • 日常工作时间:每天必须保证在区域内进行8小时的有效拜访工作。另外,业务员工应保证公司及客户在早8:00点起,至晚22:00点之前可以取得完全的联系,即意味着员工要在此规定时间内保持手机的开机状态(公司已给每位员工交通/通讯费补贴)

  • 报表管理


  • 行业经验 :


  • 岗位经验 :


  • 语言能力


  • 电脑能力 :


  • 出差要求 :


  • 所需专业证书 :


  • 其他特别要求

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Abbot welcomes and encourages diversity in our workforce.

We provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities.

To request accommodation, please call 224-667-4913 or email
