Student Veterans of America Jobs

Welcome to SVA’s jobs portal, your one-stop shop for finding the most up to date source of employment opportunities. We have partnered with the National Labor Exchange to provide you this information. You may be looking for part-time employment to supplement your income while you are in school. You might be looking for an internship to add experience to your resume. And you may be completing your training ready to start a new career. This site has all of those types of jobs.

Here are a few things you should know:
  • This site is mobile friendly. You do not need a log-in or password to access information.
  • Jobs on this site are original and unduplicated and come from three sources: the Federal government, state workforce agency job banks, and corporate career websites. All jobs are vetted to ensure there are no scams, training schemes, or phishing.
  • The site is refreshed daily to remove out-of-date content.
  • The newest jobs are listed first, so use the search features to match your interests. You can look for jobs in a specific geographical location, by title or keyword, or you can use the military crosswalk. You may want to do something different from your military career, but you undoubtedly have skills from that occupation that match to a civilian job.

Job Information

Sanofi Group CV&T事业部-医学信息沟通代表-北京 in Beijing, China

职位名称: CV&T 事业部- 医学信息沟通代表

  • 地点: 北京


准备好突破一切可能的极限了吗?加入赛诺菲,你将在提升整个业务绩效方面发挥重要作用,同时为世界各地数百万人提供切实的帮助。作为我们 CV&T事业部 的医学信息沟通代表,你将有宽广的职业发展平台,能够在团队及公司内部纵向或横向发展,能够参与到公司主力推广项目中,提升个人能力,通过在医药健康系统广泛的影响力和更多的资源来建立和扩展自己的网络和连接。



  • 临床医生拜访

  • 医学信息沟通,学术观念传达及推广

  • 计划并执行区域内医学信息推广活动



  • 大专及以上学历,生物/医药/化工相关专业优先

  • 1-3年临床推广工作经验优先


  • 高效执行力

  • 良好的抗压能力

  • 良好的人际沟通技巧

  • 良好的推广技巧

  • 良好的专业基础及学术能力

  • 良好的时间管理与区域管理技能


  • 与一个相互支持、着眼于未来的团队一起努力,共同实现科学奇迹。

  • 无论是在国内还是在国外,你都有无限的机会增长才干,推动事业发展。

  • 享受周到、精心设计的奖励方案,肯定您的贡献,扩大您的影响。

  • 享受各种健康和保健福利,以照顾好自己和家人,这些福利包括高质量的医疗保健、预防和健康计划以及至少14周的不分性别的育儿假。




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